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September 5, 2024

Astrology, Chakras, Psychic Energy Centres

Written by

Srikant Tadigadapa



Astrology, Chakras, Psychic Energy Centres

Three-fold body - Astrological Representation 

Vedic Philosophy believes in the existence of the three fold body - Physical, psychological and spiritual. This three fold body concept can be assessed and mapped to Astrology as below: 

  1. Physical body" (Sthula Sarira) - The physical body, also called the gross body is made of the five elements or Panchamahabhutas. This is represented by Lagna or rising sign at birth. As per the Kalapurusha chart, each Rasi represents a body part as per the medical astrology. So, the  Rasis represents Sthula Sarira.
  1. Subtle body (Sukshma Sarira) - The Subtle body, also called the Astral body is composed of Five perceptual senses (Jnanendriyas), Five action organs (Karmendriyas), Five Vital Vayu or Prana and Four elements of Antahkarana which are the Mind/Manas, Chitta/Consciousness, Buddhi/Intellect and Ahamkara/Ego. The Moon rules Mind/Manas and Nakshatras are considered as wives of Moon in Hindu Mythology. The emotional experience of the house can be seen from the Nakshtra of the lord of house and planets in the house. The Subtle body consists of Nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakras and is the dwelling of the powerful Kundalini energy.
  1. Causal body (Karana-Sarira) - The causal body, also called the Karmic body, is purely composed of Avidya or Maya, the subtlest form of matter. This indicates the personality of the incarnating soul. It indicates will, character and individuality. The Sun’s placement in the chart, as well as the fifth and ninth houses (the houses of dharma – right conduct), and the Navamsha chart (D9) is the representation as per Astrology.

Vedic References of Chakras 

The Yoga-Kundalani Upanishad, Verses 9 to 12 provides a reference of various chakras present in the Subtle body and their Physical location with reference to body part.

षट् चक्राणि परिज्ञात्वा प्रविशेत्सुखमण्डलम् ।

मूलाधारं स्वाधिष्ठानं मणिपूरं तृतीययकम् ॥१॥

“There are six chakras in the Subtle body. By gaining the knowledge of these Six Chakras or spheres, one should enter the Sukhamandala. These are the  Muladhara, Swadhistana, the third one is Manipura”.

अनाहतं विशुद्धं च आज्ञाचक्र्ं च षष्ठकम् ।

आधारं गुदमित्युक्तं स्वाधिष्ठानं तु लैङ्गिकम् ॥१०॥

“Anahata, Visuddhi and the sixth Ajna chakra. The Muladhara is in the anus, the Svadhishthana is near the genital organ”.

मणिपूरं नाभिदेशं हृदयस्थमनाहतम् ।

विशुद्धिः कण्ठमूले च आज्ञाचक्र्ं च मस्तकम् ॥११॥

“The Manipura Chakra is located at the Navel, the Anahata Chakra is located at the heart, the Vishuddhi is at the root of the neck. The Agnya Chakra is at the centre of eye-brows”.

The Verse 9 of the Shankara Bhagavatpadacharya’s “Soundarya Lahari” also describes the six Chakras with their Tattvas as below.

महीं मूलाधारे कमपि मणिपूरे हुतवहं

स्थितं स्वाधिष्ठाने हृदि मरुत-माकाश-मुपरि ।

मनोऽपि भ्रूमध्ये सकलमपि भित्वा कुलपथं 

सहस्रारे पद्मे स हरहसि पत्या विहरसे ॥९॥

“Oh, Mother, You travel from Muladhara chakra to Swadishtana chakra which represents Prithvi and Jala tattva respectively, in this body. Further, you travel from Manipura, Anahata, and Vishuddhi chakras, which represent Agni, Vayu, and Akasha tattva respectively. Lastly, you travel from Agnya chakra, which represents the Mind, to Sahasrara chakra to meet Parama Shiva”.

Chakras and Planets

Chakras are the energy centres in the Subtle body which are responsible for psychological, physical and spiritual aspects to be in balance. There are Seven chakras in the body as described in Hindu Vedic Philosophy. These seven chakras within us is like a reflection of the entire Solar system. As mentioned in the Brahmanda Purana, the humans are the microcosmos which is the reflection of the macrocosmos. Therefore, the universal energy symbolised with that of the Solar system exists within us too. 

Seven Chakras connection with Rasis and Planets:

Chakras Rasi /Signs Primary Planets Secondary Planet Chakra
Sense Organs Prana - Function
Muladhara Capricorn/Aquarius Mars Saturn Earth/Prithvi Smell -Nose Apana Vayu - Elimination
Swadhistana Pisces/Sagittarius Venus Jupiter Water/Jala Taste - Tongue Vyana
Vayu - Circulation
Manipura Aries/ Scorpio Sun Mars Fire/Agni Form - Eyes Samana Vayu - Digestion
Ananhata Taurus/Libra Moon & Saturn Venus Airy/Vayu Touch - Skin Prana Vayu- All encompassing
Visuddhi Gemini/Virgo Mercury Jupiter Ether/Akasa Sound - Ear Udana - Metabolism
Agnya Cancer/Leo Sun Moon Ether/Akasa Consciousness - Mind Vyana
Vayu - Circulation
Shasrara Cancer Moon Jupiter Ether/Akasa Super Consciousness Vyana
Vayu - Circulation

Chakras are dense areas of pranic energy. Prana is the vital life force which is shared by the entire universe. Prana flows in many different directions. These Pranic flows are known as “Vayus”. When there are blockages in the flowing of Prana through these vital energy centres, imbalances are created in the chakras causing emotional and physical afflictions.

Chakras Attributes And Outcome of Chakras Balance & Imbalance:

Chakras Physical Position Attributes Balance Emotional imbalances Physical imbalances Beeja Mantra
Muladhara Anus Safety and stability and Grounding Physical identity and safety, stability, emotional intelligence Feeling insecure about finances or basic survival needs and well being, lack of ambition, fearful and frustrated. Arthritis, problems in legs, feet, rectum, constipation, bladder or colon problems “Lam”
Swadhistana Genital Sexuality, pleasure, creativity and self worth One feels vibrant, positive, ability to take risks and creative Feeling low confidence or self worth, lack of energy & creativity Sexual and Reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunction impotency, hip, pelvic & lower back pain “Vam”
Manipura Navel Self esteem and Self confidence Energetic, confident, productive & focused Issues of personal power, Low self confidence and self esteem, anger & depression Digestive issues, liver problems, ulcers, heart burn, eating disorders, indigestion & diabetes Ram”
Ananhata Heart Love, attachment, compassion One feels more compassionate caring, optimistic, friendly, forgiveness, trust Emotionally insecure, lonely and isolated, issues like anger, lack of trust, jealousy & anxiety Heart disease, lung disease, Asthma, weight issues, issues with breasts, lymphatic system, upper back & shoulder problems Yam”
Visuddhi Throat Communication inspiration & healthy expression Positive self expression, constructive communication Issues of self-expression through communication, Argumentative, gossiping, speaking without thinking, articulation issues Voice and throat problems, teeth and gum issues, thyroid issues, laryngitis Ham”
Agnya Between Eye brows Intuitions, intelligence & imagination Confident both spiritually and emotionally, one feels clear & focused & ability to distinguish between truth & illusion, open to receiving wisdom Non assertive & moody, Unable to connect with inner self and lack of inner self, exaggerated imagination Headache, sight issues, sinus issues and hearing loss Om”
Shasrara Top of Head Spiritual liberation & enlightenment Spiritual understanding, inner peace & clear perspective on the world, connection to life purpose, allows inward flow of wisdom Issues with self knowledge & greater power, Narrow minded, skeptical and stubborn, constant sense of frustration, melancholy Brain and nervous system issues, depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound & environment Aum”

Chakras - Modern Psychology

As we learnt, the Chakras are the psychic energy centres in the Subtle body and balance of these Chakras is the key for an individual to attain self realisation and live the life with full potential. As mentioned above, each chakra in the body has some attributes which covers a spectrum of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Yoga is a medium through which one can attain balance of each of these energy centres, so that the dormant Kundalini Energy at Muladhara Chakra flows up to the Sahasrara Chakra to attain eternal bliss and happiness or Super Conscious State. 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow, humanistic psychologist proposed the theory on “Human motivation” in the path of self actualisation called “Hierarchy of Needs” shown in hierarchy triangle. Maslow believes that humans need to fulfill physiological, psychological and social/self esteem needs before progressing to higher goal of self actualisation. This is the analogy to flow of Prana through the balanced chakras which will enable individuals to achieve their physiological, psychological and spiritual needs. Imbalances in these Chakras will cause disturbances in emotional and physical attributes in individuals.


In Astrology divisional charts are divided into Physical plane (D1-D12) and Conscious plane (D13-D24), Subconscious (D25-D36), Super Conscious (D37-D48) and Supra-Conscious(D49-D60). An Expert Astrologer can help to understand the balances and imbalances in each of these seven chakras in different planes by looking at the Planetary and Rasi/Sign affliction which cause emotional and physical impairments in individual birth charts. The individuals should acquaint themselves with Chakra balancing techniques through meditation on Chakra Beej mantras, Pranayama, Yoga, or alternative Healing methods to overcome the physical and emotional imbalances to achieve self actualisation. 

Thus, Astrology is a wonderful tool to assess individual SWOT analysis based on Planetary/Rasi afflictions in-turn understanding the Chakra imbalances. This awareness enables one to achieve the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment or Sat-Chit-Ananda.


The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini - Sri Rudrabhayananda.

Swara Yoga - The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing - Swami Muktibodhananda
